Legal Notice.
Legal notice of the website of Fanny Koch, freelance graphic designer in Annecy in Savoie (73).
Site edited by Fanny Koch
Director of publication : Fanny Koch, freelance graphic designer in Savoie (73).
Email :
SIRET Number : 931 871 396 00012
Company : Freed From Design – EURL with a capital of €5,000, registered at the Chambéry (73) Commercial Court.
N° VAT : FR92931871396
RC pro : n°RCPH278343648
Site hosted by O2Switch
LLC with capital of €100,000
RCS : Clermont-Ferrand
SIRET : 510 909 80700024
VAT : FR35510909807
Editorial Content: refers to all the information made available to Internet users by< /strong>.
Personal Data: refers to the personal information that the Internet user has recorded when registering for the Specific Service offered by (i.e. access to .pdf type documents) and/or provided as part of the use of the services.)
Intellectual Property Rights: refers to trademarks, domain names, author’s rights, copyrights, designs and models, patents, rights to Databases or any other intellectual property rights exploited by and necessary for its activities as a Service provider.
Website: refers to the website
Internet user: designates the natural person, adult and capable, consulting the site</strong >
Intellectual property rights
The Internet user acknowledges that is the sole owner: of the intellectual property rights and of the editorial content of the site www
Any representation, reproduction or extraction not authorized by of the Editorial Content or of its website as well as any other Intellectual Property Right is strictly prohibited under penalty of legal proceedings. The offender is liable to civil and criminal penalties and in particular to the penalties provided for in Articles L. 335.2 and L. 343.1 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Personal data
The personal data on the Site are processed in accordance with law n °78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms. The Internet user has a right of access (article 34 to 38 of the law of 1978) and a right of rectification (article 36 of the law of 1978) to the Personal Data concerning him. The Internet user may exercise this right at any time by sending an email to namely to rectify, complete, clarify, update or delete information concerning them that is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated. A maximum period of 15 days is requested before the Internet user’s request is taken into account. undertakes to do its best to protect Personal Data , in order to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorized third parties in accordance with article 29 of the law of January 6, 1978.